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Psilocybin May Benefit Advanced-Stage Mesothelioma Patients

Posted by dev on Friday, October 8, 2010

Mesothelioma is a rare, aggressive form of cancer that is resistant to many standard cancer treatments. Currently there is no known cure for the disease, and the average survival time varies from 4 – 18 months after diagnosis. Many mesothelioma patients facing this prognosis become overwhelmed
and depressed as they fight to improve their survival, but are forced to face their mortality at the same time. Now researchers say the use of psilocybin, an hallucinogen found in “magic mushrooms,” may be safe and effective for improving a patient’s mood and reducing anxiety.

Various studies have been conducted that show the power of the mind-body connection where positive thinking results in the improvement in a patient’s health. Many physicians believe that when there is an improvement in a patient’s mood and outlook on the illness the patient can recover more quickly from surgery and other treatments.

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