In 2003, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was quite fortunate survive thank the doctor who diagnosed the disease in a prime time.
According to some medical research - changes daily - 30 percent of daughters can inherit the disease from their mothers. So then, I made the obligatory visit to my doctor in Dallas who sent me for a mammogram test. She turned negative. I 'm course to test annually to stay on the safe side, making it the didn R ' t.
When I visited my new doctor in Beaumont to get a prescription but he advised me to get a test PAP and a mammogram. If you 'with reference to a woman, you understand how women scorn these tests. Once again tried to escape the evidence that he will send me a letter good to me encouraged to do the tests.
Earlier this year, I started getting a sharp pain in my chest. He continued getting worse. This time, there was no way to escape the doctor's visit. The outcome of the PAP became negative. The result of almost mammogram came back with a suspicion of a cube of one-inch-diameter on my left chest.
Any woman who received the dreaded phone call from his doctor, understands what happened with that day. I sent for another test of microfilm mammogram followed by an ultrasound test. So we hope and expect because I took the test on Friday before weekend of Memorial Day.
Only the mark and Mr Ghost knew about this news. Mr Ghost 's of candles and prayers really helped me to feel inside of peace while we hope in the results. For the weekend of Memorial Day, the brand and I went to Dallas to visit my family-in-law and friends. Decided not to tell anyone. There wasn 't any definite result will tell.
I made many scenarios in my head. Since grow thick hair after chemotherapy treatments. I bought most of the books chistosos of Dave Barry to maintain my high alcohol if the bad days were ahead of me. Strange, was acceptable with death and enlisted for it if I couldn 't defeat the disease.
Fortunately, the second test result was negative. I put 't even need an operation to remove what he called a SIS (in medical terms). In six months, I have to take another mammogram to ascertain the SIS Hasna 't developed into something that requires surgery.
I disease most likely to succeed one day. More importantly, I learned the importance of an annual mammogram test this time. I also learned from my doctors that women need to take these tests when they turn 35.
I also learned the disadvantage of caffeine. As I said above, felt pain in my chest deadly and that 's what made me go see my doctor. The mammogram technician advised me to stop drinking caffeinated beverages and the switch to decaf.
You probably puts 't know who live on coke and diet tea. But since she gave me advice, I changed to the decaf tea and decaffeinated Coke to the diet. I had to take naps in the afternoon during the first two weeks of the lack of caffeine in my system. Easily bato this attachment and now I 'm back to my normal hours sleep. We won because the pain stopped the day that changed the drinks of decaf. Very strange.
I also learned that most women put 't feel any pain until the advanced stages of the disease. My mother had no ninguÌ No pain. If wasn 't for his routine checkup, the disease would have been separated further in his body and probably killed.
In addition, I learned that the young women have fewer chances to survive the disease because he 's diagnosed especially in an early stage. Just this week, a daughter of an Iraqi friend of the family lost its battle with the disease. My dad said that cured of the disease last year. But, again this year attacked and defeated. She died at the age of 40.
Now, my new interest is to follow the advancement in the treatment against breast cancer. I encourage all women over 35 and / or with a family history of breast cancer to take a test PAP mammogram and no matter how uncomfortable it can be. The 's your life at stake.
I 'm pole that adds to this section of my pet projects in the sidebar. I add any breakthrough medical-related illness in this post. The disease has killed many women. Let 's diagnostiqúelo and fights.
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